For every human, any age!

Recorded at the eXperience Agile 2021 conference

Meet our Founder

Why Education Will Not Deliver on the UN Sustainable Development Goals and Why This Educatefor.Life Community Started.

Throwback in our history as a global, virtual community

A few of our many community activities

We make positive, transformative impact happen through collaboration and co-creation.

Will you be interested in working together on projects and activities, ?

blue_lady_background_jobbies (1) Motivation Factors of Participation in Virtual Communities of Practice
blue_lady_background_jobbies (1) Motivation Factors of Participation in Virtual Communities of Practice
Community with a strong sense of belonging

"When a community is just 
like an awesome tribe"

Community members who choose to spend some of their spare time, often into the late hours, on rethinking who we always thought about education, learning, teaching and much more, are obviously driven by the idea, that there ARE other ways to get to live the life you desire -without having to go through a fixed curriculum for 10-12 years, then perhaps complete a higher-ed program, then get on-the-job-experience and THEN find your personal sweet spot that combines your interests and talents with the opportunity to earn a living.

The community teams celebrate also it's small victories and since only few of us ever met in-person, all of this has been happening entirely online since 2018. When Covid closed down the world, obviously everything moved online. Our teams continued their innovation work even when facing the personal challenges of lock-downs and the disruptions of our lives that came with that.

Learn about our research here

Learn More About Our Community Research
Collective Intelligence Activities of Our Community

Workshops, Talks or L&D Programs Fit for Human Development in a Tech World

Move your mouse over the images below to see some of the activity types you can join in our community.

Excited for what new paradigms can mean for us

Festival of Consciousness 2022

What new paradigms can mean for our future


Memory Lane of Community Events

Since 2018

Bookshelf Interview LinkedIn Article Graphic

Live Podcasts & Workshops

Co-learning & Co-creating the Collective Intelligence Way

Build Your Smart Workforce

Transformation Programs

For Individuals, Teams and Organizations

Abundance Mindset

Become an Abundance Coach

Become a Certified Sprinthero here

Create Your Purpose

Meet Awesome Change Makers

Colegio San Jose de Las Vegas Creating Their Purpose

Researching Trends Together

Research on Global Trends

Research Archive and Live Online Research Sessions

Opening our eyes for Making Minds Matter

Festival of Consciousness 2022

Ann, Paco & Lars Opening Their Senses & #MakingMindsMatter

Memory Lane

Memory Lane of Community Events

Since 2018

Meetup CPH

Meetup in Copenhagen 23.Nov 2022

A rare but very exciting opportunity to spend time together in-person.

EfL 2nd Birthday

2nd EducateforLife Birthday Celebrations

Thank you all SO much for this birthday card


Our Core Principles

Learner-Controlled Process

Education is an active process, controlled by the learner, who uses other people as models and prime reference material.

From One Teacher-Many Students to One Students-Many Teachers

The person who can best help you break down a challenging problem or an important subject (when you most need it), may not necessarily be based in your own school district. We felt it was time to quit the paradigm of school districts. And while we are at it, we prefer "Guides-on-the-Side" rather than "Sage-on-the-Stage". How about you? You can have both, the best of all worlds, in all time zones if you like!


Crowds are not always super intelligent the way we all hope for. But in a global and diverse community, focused on building a much better future, you get to select the crowd that can boost your ideation or your implementation - and you get so many powerful perspectives you never thought possible. Never be alone on your learning path again!

We vote for Collaboration & Collective Intelligence rather than Competition & Individualism

From Location to Environment

Class rooms may work for you. When that's what you need, go ahead and book one. But often, you may find a more suitable learning or working environment for the activity you have chosen to focus on somewhere else. A world of better environments is awaiting you when you are ready for it.

Go find your favourite environment, your borderless, participatory culture, and share it with your community friends. You will hopefully invite us to join us as well, for your planned learning or growth activity. 

Peer-Reviews Over Professor Grading

Peers are invested in the same process you are going through, so they are most willing to take risk on an idea, give it a chance. You are not being compared with others, you are on a unique journey. But Professor Grading is around for you as well when you want it!

Making People RE Markable

Rather than making people Markable!

How You are Smart

Rather than how smart you are

Empowered by our Different Abilities

Rather than limited by our Disabilities

Doing the RIGHT THING next

Rather than doing the NEXT THING right.

Motivation Driven Pulls

Rather than regulated curriculum PUSH

Who, Not Where

It's not Where you work.

It's WHO you work with that make the job or professional activity worth pursuing every day.

Today is a perfect day to


Join Us

Code of Conduct

It's easy to be kind. So be kind!