Meet Generation Alpha

2012 - 2025

blue_lady_background_jobbies (1) Alpha and Phone
blue_lady_background_jobbies (1) Alpha and Phone

To Create Their Own Life

Meet the alpha generation, the kids born between 2010 and 2025 who are taking over the world one TikTok dance at a time. These digital natives have never known a world without smartphones and tablets, and their tiny fingers can swipe and tap with lightning speed. They're masters of multitasking, juggling multiple screens and apps with ease, and they're not afraid to tell Alexa or Siri exactly what they want.

As they grow up, Generation Alpha can expect a life filled with virtual reality, augmented reality, and all sorts of other futuristic technology that we can't even imagine yet. They'll be able to teleport to far-off lands without ever leaving their bedrooms, and their robot butlers will cook their meals and clean their rooms. But with great power comes great responsibility, and it's up to their parents to make sure they don't spend all their time staring at screens.

So, let's empower the alpha generation, the future leaders of the world who will undoubtedly achieve great things, as long as they remember to log off every once in a while.

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Popular professions, the Alpha gen's are aiming for
AI Ethics Officer

AI Ethics Officer

A majority worries that the evolution of artificial intelligence by 2030 will continue to be primarily focused on optimizing profits and social control

Climate Change Analyst

Climate Change Analyst

(Climatologists) evaluate scientific data and research about the climate

Renewable Energy Technician

Renewable Energy Technician

Renewable energy technicians are in great demand to install, maintain and repair equipment that provides power and utilities through these new sources.

Space Exploration Specialist

Space Exploration Specialist

Pave our way to become an interplanetary species

Virtual Reality Experience Designer

Virtual Reality Experience Designer

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